The snow had a lot of snow. And the snow changed the grass. And it maked me feel happy. (Levi)
It snowed on Friday night, January 22nd, 2016. It got about to two feet! The next day, we went to the hill and went sledding. It was really fun, but it was hard. Really hard. We had a big snowball fight with my dad. The next day, my dad shoveled with other people in the ward. Me and my friend, Ethan, and my brothers went sledding. The next day we built two little snowmen (I think). On Wednesday, we went sledding on a giant hill. On my first run, I went all the way down to the bottom. The hill was super big. Towards the top, there was ice. It was really hard to get up during the ice for the first time. It got easier eventually. I had so much fun!
The End (H)
It snowed in January. We went sledding on this really icy hill. I had a purple sled and it was really fun. At first I was scared and tried to stop myself, but then I got in how to sled and then I did this big jump. (A)
I snow is ..outside in the snow is around around around, I down and down and down. Let it go! Let it go! (G)
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